Community Outreach

 Head Start, SAISD


During the Head Start rotation at SAISD I observed various roles of a HS dietitian. With the Head Start program, I learned about performance standards, goals and objectives of both CACFP and SAISD. I had the opportunity to visit seven different sites to monitor for breakfast, lunch and PM snack. Monitoring HS is an activity that requires great responsibility and accountability. It requires a monitor to be a keen observer and puts a lot of pressure to accurately document all the discrepancies.  In addition writing an action plan requires precision, fair judgment and liability.

 With my keen sense of observation, I confidently monitored all the classes. I effectively documented the findings on different forms. I also devised, documented and signed the action plan. In addition, I evaluated the performance of managers by interviewing them, monitoring production records and checking daily meal count and attendance records.

Following are some highlights of my experiences:

·         Performed monitoring activities in eight different classes.

·         Ensured compliance with standards and documented the outcomes.

·         Devised action plan for the areas not meeting target.

·         Evaluated daily meal count and attendance records.

·         Monitored production records to check compliance with the menu.

·         Learned about the State standards and program’s compliance for supper meal service.

·         Reviewed special diets and menu substitutions complying with the prescriptions.

·         Designed a presentation and a handout for parent education.  


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